Newman Altar Servers' Guild
Updated: 19 FEB2025
Tips for Preparation
Light the coals approximately 10 minutes before Mass. Place two or three coals in the thurible.
Ensure that there are two or three additional coals in the preparation pan located next to the thurifer's seat.
Add another coal or two to the thurible during the homily or after the Creed for the incensation at the Offertory and for the consecration.
Lay on incense to the thurible during the preparation at the steps after the Sanctus (to ensure enough smoke at the consecration). It may be useful to station another boat on a trivet at or near the steps at the Epistle horn for the preparation at the steps for the consecration.
If the thurifer is stationed at the centre between the torchbearers, it is useful to have the boat bearer assist with laying on incense in preparation for the consecration. If the thurifer is stationed between the torchbearers, the boat bearer remains at the right of the thurifer.
When the thurifer is stationed at the centre, both the boat bearer and the thurifer should depart to their seats when the torchbearers rise after the Per Ipsum.

Carry the unblessed thurible in the left hand. After the celebrant lays on incense and blesses the incense, carry the thurible with the right hand.